Saturday, June 16, 2007

Coming Soon: The Bathroom Makeover!

We're in the process of taking down the lovely frog wallpaper the previous owners of our home put up. Let me say this: I will never, EVER put up wallpaper of any kind. It's pretty, but it is way to big of a pain in the butt to take down!

Other news: Cathy is looking for jobs again and has a job interview on Tuesday. It's not a job she's terribly excited about (it's at another bank- eh) but it is the first job interview she's gotten since interviewing with Molly Maids, where they balked at the college degrees. If this bank job pays well enough, I may take it just to get out of the house and earn a bit of money while I keep applying for better jobs. It pays a lot more than teaching college classes part time, that's for sure. I've also applied for a few editing and technical writing jobs, but have yet to hear from those people yet.

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