Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just in Case You Were Wondering

Kirk did pass his thesis defense! He'll have his Master's in December! It seems like we started grad school just yesterday, and now we're both done.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sarah's a Bus!

I made Sarah a costume for Halloween! She's taking it better than I thought she would, but I won't say she's happy about it...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Jeremy's Gig

Jeremy's band had their first gig ever last night. Yay! Since Kirk is in Colorado, Cathy went to see him. It was supposed to be a costume party as well. Jeremy went as Matthew Lesko, that "Buy my book and get government money!" informerical guy. I thought that the costume was pretty good. He got the pants and the jacket at Goodwill. The question marks are made of felt and glued on with a hot glue gun.

I wore my Amish outfit. I got it off E-bay a few years ago. Every single Halloween I've worn this, somebody has asked me if it is a costume, or if I was really Amish. Each time I've been asked this, I've been at a bar. I never knew the Amish frequented bars so often! Yesterday took the cake though. Even though it was supposed to be a costume party- nobody but Jeremy and I had on a costume. A woman came up to me to see if I was really Amish or not. When I said it was a costume, she gave me a weird look and asked if I was from America or not- as she could not tell from my accent. Okay. This morning Jeremy told me the same woman came up to him and asked what was up with his clothes. I guess no one else got the "this is a costume party" memo.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wish Kirk Luck!

Kirk left this morning for Colorado. He'll be defending his Master's thesis in Fort Collins on Tuesday- wish him luck! The title of his thesis is *drumroll*

Differential Sputtering Yields Of Refractory Metals By Ion Bombardment At Normal And Oblique Incidences.

You'll have to ask him what that means. :-)