It was supposed to be sunny and nice. Instead we had wind and fog. Go figure.
The drive went pretty fast. We took the toll road, and there was not much traffic. We passed through Emporia, Topeka, and a whole lot of nothing. It was kind of like driving through Wyoming, except with more wind.
By the time we made it to Lawrence, we were *starving,* so we stopped at the first restaurant that looked good- The Longhorn Steakhouse.
By the time we made it to Lawrence, we were *starving,* so we stopped at the first restaurant that looked good- The Longhorn Steakhouse.

Everything looked so good, it took awhile to decide. We were forced to order a delicious appetizer so we did not starve to death before we ordered our real meals.

The decor was...interesting...but we liked that the heads of all the animals had hats!

After lunch we headed downtown, which really did remind us of Fort Collin's old town. Lawrence is also a smoke free town, which is something we all miss about Fort Collins. There were lots of neat little shops to explore. We did not even hit up half of them and we were there for a couple of hours. Cathy even bought something at a cute European food shop: this little bag that rolls up!

It is tiny.

It starts out really small, and fits into Cathy's purse with no problems. It will be really nice for sporadic library trips and for the weekly Aldi's shopping trip. Aldi's is a ultra low budget grocery store that is very low frills- so low frills that they don't even provide bags. Of course, Cathy always forgets to take a bag, so it will be nice to always have a reusable on hand.
The European food store also had the neatest chocolates. Each piece was like a little work of art. It was so neat that we took pictures! Observe:

We did not buy anything, but we looked at them for quite awhile. Maybe next time.
We also stopped by the local university to have a look.
The European food store also had the neatest chocolates. Each piece was like a little work of art. It was so neat that we took pictures! Observe:

We also stopped by the local university to have a look.