Sunday, December 13, 2009

Out With the Old

We finally decided that it was time for Kirk's 1989 Honda to go. This car has served us very well.

Kirk decided awhile ago that he wanted to replace it with a Honda Fit. We finally got the price we were willing to pay, and the rest is history.

It's a nice little car. We named it "Go Time" because, according to the ads, "The Fit is Go."

For such a tiny car, it's pretty roomy. This is the back seat.

They fold down, so you can slide things in. (The passenger side folds all the way down too- you can fit a surfboard in! Clearly, this is an important feature in landlocked Kansas.)

This is Cathy's favorite part...the seats fold UP too! :)


SixintheMix said...

Woohoo! Congrats on the new car! I remember when Kirk got the '89 Honda... Good for you guys. We're proud and inspired by how you choose to live your lives and spend (save!) your money wisely!

Kirk and Cathy said...

Aww, thanks Brenda! :)