Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Work Work Work

We're 21 days into 2009, and not much had really gone on! Kirk went back to work after a two week vacation (nice!) and I started work again this week. Or last week, if you count the meetings and orientations and last minute stuff.

My five week Friends class (returning adult students) started last night and they were a great group! It makes all the difference in this class, since so much of it is student directed. I'm excited to have them!

Here's my sort of crazy schedule for the upcoming semester:

Tuesday (until Feb)- one night class at Friends
Monday (starting in March) one night class at Friends

Thursday mornings- Composition at the community college
Friday mornings- Comp at the community college

and my current favorite- my online composition class. I already love teaching online and hope that I can eventually teach only online for the community college and teach face to face at Friends. We'll see!